Rectangular Wing

Wing Aerodynamics Analysis using Vortex-Step Method (VSM) and Lift Line Theory (LLT)

This example demonstrates the process of setting up and analyzing a wing's aerodynamics using VSM and LLT. We'll cover the following steps:

  1. Importing necessary libraries.
  2. Define the wing parameters
  3. Create wing geometry with linear panel distribution and add the wing sections
  4. Initializing the wing aerodynamics and set the inflow conditions.
  5. Plotting the geometry
  6. Initialize solvers for both LLT and VSM methods
  7. Running an simulation with both methods
  8. Plotting distributions
  9. Plotting polars

First, install Julia and launch the Julia REPL as explained in the section Installation. Then, copy and paste to the Julia prompt:

Step 1: Importing the necessary libraries:

using LinearAlgebra
using ControlPlots
using VortexStepMethod

Step 2: Define wing parameters

n_panels = 20          # Number of panels
span = 20.0            # Wing span [m]
chord = 1.0            # Chord length [m]
v_a = 20.0             # Magnitude of inflow velocity [m/s]
density = 1.225        # Air density [kg/m³]
alpha_deg = 30.0       # Angle of attack [degrees]
alpha = deg2rad(alpha_deg)

Step 3: Create wing geometry with linear panel distribution

wing = Wing(n_panels, spanwise_panel_distribution=LINEAR)
Add wing sections - defining only tip sections with inviscid airfoil model
    [0.0, span/2, 0.0],    # Left tip LE 
    [chord, span/2, 0.0],  # Left tip TE
    [0.0, -span/2, 0.0],   # Right tip LE
    [chord, -span/2, 0.0], # Right tip TE

Step 4: Initialize aerodynamics

wa = BodyAerodynamics([wing])

We need to pass here an array of wing objects, because a body can have multiple wings.

Set inflow conditions
vel_app = [cos(alpha), 0.0, sin(alpha)] .* v_a
set_va!(wa, vel_app, [0, 0, 0.1])

Step 5: Plot the geometry


You should see a plot like this:

Rectangular Wing

Step 6: Initialize solvers for both LLT and VSM methods

llt_solver = Solver(aerodynamic_model_type=LLT)
vsm_solver = Solver(aerodynamic_model_type=VSM)

Step 7: Solve using both methods

results_llt = solve(llt_solver, wa)
results_vsm = solve(vsm_solver, wa)
println("\nLifting Line Theory Results:")
println("CL = $(round(results_llt["cl"], digits=4))")
println("CD = $(round(results_llt["cd"], digits=4))")
println("\nVortex Step Method Results:")
println("CL = $(round(results_vsm["cl"], digits=4))")
println("CD = $(round(results_vsm["cd"], digits=4))")
println("Projected area = $(round(results_vsm["projected_area"], digits=4)) m²")

Step 8: Plot spanwise distributions

y_coordinates = [panel.aero_center[2] for panel in wa.panels]

    [y_coordinates, y_coordinates],
    [results_vsm, results_llt],
    ["VSM", "LLT"],
    title="Spanwise Distributions"

You should see a plot like this:

Spanwise Distributions

Step 9: Plot polar curves

angle_range = range(0, 20, 20)
    [llt_solver, vsm_solver],
    [wa, wa],
    ["LLT", "VSM"];
    title="Rectangular Wing Polars"

You should see a plot like this:


More examples

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Choose function to execute or `q` to quit: 
 > rectangular_wing = include("rectangular_wing.jl")
   ram_air_kite = include("ram_air_kite.jl")
   stall_model = include("stall_model.jl")
   bench = include("bench.jl")
   cleanup = include("cleanup.jl")

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