Private Types
Wing Geometry, Panel and Aerodynamics
— Type@with_kw mutable struct Panel
Represents a panel in a vortex step method simulation. All points and vectors are in the kite body (KB) frame.
::MVec3=zeros(MVec3): First trailing edge pointLE_point_1
::MVec3=zeros(MVec3): First leading edge pointTE_point_2
::MVec3=zeros(MVec3): Second trailing edge pointLE_point_2
::MVec3=zeros(MVec3): Second leading edge pointchord
::Float64=0: Panel chord lengthva
::MVec3=zeros(MVec3): Panel velocitycorner_points
::MMatrix{3, 4, Float64}=zeros(MMatrix{3, 4, Float64}: Panel corner pointsaero_model
::AeroModel=INVISCID: Aerodynamic model type AeroModelaero_center::Vector{Float64}
: Panel aerodynamic center- cl_coeffs::Vector{Float64}=zeros(Float64, 3)
- cd_coeffs::Vector{Float64}=zeros(Float64, 3)
- cm_coeffs::Vector{Float64}=zeros(Float64, 3)
- cl_interp::Union{Nothing, I1, I2} = nothing
- cd_interp::Union{Nothing, I1, I2} = nothing
- cm_interp::Union{Nothing, I1, I2} = nothing
::Vector{MVec3}: Panel control pointbound_point_1
::Vector{MVec3}: First bound pointbound_point_2
::Vector{MVec3}: Second bound pointx_airf
::MVec3=zeros(MVec3): Unit vector tangential to chord liney_airf
::MVec3=zeros(MVec3): Unit vector in spanwise directionz_airf
::MVec3=zeros(MVec3): Unit vector, cross product of xairf and yairfwidth
::Float64=0: Panel width- filaments::Tuple{BoundFilament,BoundFilament,BoundFilament,SemiInfiniteFilament,SemiInfiniteFilament} = ( BoundFilament(), BoundFilament(), BoundFilament(), SemiInfiniteFilament(), SemiInfiniteFilament() ): Panel filaments, see: BoundFilament
— TypePanelProperties
Structure to hold calculated panel properties.
::Vector{MVec3}: Vector of unit vectors tangential to chord liney_airf
::Vector{MVec3}: Vector of unit vectors in spanwise directionz_airf
::Vector{MVec3}: Vector of unit vectors pointing up (cross of xairf and yairf)
— TypeBoundFilament
Represents a bound vortex filament defined by two points.
- x1::MVec3=zeros(MVec3): First point
- x2::MVec3=zeros(MVec3): Second point
- length=zero(Float64): Filament length
- r0::MVec3=zeros(MVec3): Vector from x1 to x2
- initialized::Bool = false